Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What's next?????

The students and staff at Washington Township would like to thank the family of Voyce Oswald and the WT Parent Boosters for their financial support of the outdoor classroom project.  We would also like to thank TD Builders for doing such a great job on the construction.  But we aren't done!  We are planning to add tables, landscaping rock, plantings, stepping stones and many other things to the area. With the help of the WT Student Council,  the students raised over $2000 to continue the work on the outdoor classroom.  We have big plans for this spot but it will have to wait until spring. 

The finished product.....for now!

A roof is added to protect the new classroom area from the elements.

Mrs. Spenler adds an inscription to the slab for the bench.

Finishing the slabs

The students watch as the concrete is being poured.

Construction Begins

Construction of the new outdoor classroom began in early September 2010. The staff at WT, along with input from Voyce's family, decided to add to the concession stand area for the outdoor classroom.  Here the a worker from TD Builders is framing the slab which will be used for permanent tables and learning space.

A memorial bench will be placed on this smaller slab, to recognize Voyce's contribution to the outdoor classroom.

Getting Started

The Washington Township outdoor classroom began with a generous memorial contribution by a former staff member, Voyce Oswald, in 2010.  Voyce was an employee in the building for 22 years, first in the kitchen and later, as a para educator.  Sadly, Voyce lost her battle with cancer in January 2010.

Voyce had always dreamed of a space where the students at Washington Township could study and enjoy the outdoors.  Through her memorial, we have been able to begin to make her dream a reality. It will also provide a place where all of us, who were touched by her love and generosity, can go to remember her and her contributions to Washington Township.