Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Getting Started

The Washington Township outdoor classroom began with a generous memorial contribution by a former staff member, Voyce Oswald, in 2010.  Voyce was an employee in the building for 22 years, first in the kitchen and later, as a para educator.  Sadly, Voyce lost her battle with cancer in January 2010.

Voyce had always dreamed of a space where the students at Washington Township could study and enjoy the outdoors.  Through her memorial, we have been able to begin to make her dream a reality. It will also provide a place where all of us, who were touched by her love and generosity, can go to remember her and her contributions to Washington Township.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely memorial and wonderful project for a kind and devoted woman.
    A thoughtful thank-you that will continue a legacy.
    Best to you all at Washington Township
